Writing & editing

Writing and Editing

Professional writing and editing support will improve the content and clarity of your documents. A well-written document helps your people with their work and enhances the reputation of your organisation. Petersen Ink can take your content and ideas, and write them up in a clear and persuasive style.

Policy documents to provide clear purpose to staff.
Policy documents are the framework for workplace decision-making. Despite this, organisations often delegate policy writing to staff who do not have the time or expertise to do it well. Petersen Ink have that expertise. We have written policies for government and business in health care, transport, security, safety, personnel management and logistics.

Doctrine and manuals to capture best practice.
The best organisations record their doctrine and procedures. This embeds learning and experience inside the organisation, and preserves corporate knowledge when staff turnover. Petersen Ink has been writing manuals and doctrine for government and business since 2002. These topics have included intelligence, policing, aircraft operations, military operations and health services.

Tenders to align company capabilities with client requirements.
Good writing helps persuade potential clients of your ability to meet their needs. While many businesses have an excellent product or service to offer, they are daunted by the complexities of responding to requests for tenders. Petersen Ink has written or edited successful tender documents for government panels, engineering projects, equipment procurement, catering services, logistic services and training programs.